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Writer's pictureTonyJanet Kahmann


Updated: Jul 26


Wednesday, 1 May 2024

We met with the urologist yesterday. My latest kidney scan did confirm that my left kidney is not passing any urine through the ureter. It also showed that my kidney is considerably larger than the original scans showed, and that the blockage is at the junction of the kidney and ureter. His recommendation is for a specific procedure, called Robotic Left Pyeloplasty, which will involve “keyhole” (laparoscopic) incisions to remove the stricture and then splay and reattach the ureter to the kidney. I was anticipating this after researching, and am excited to get it done. The surgery is scheduled for this coming Saturday. I’ll be in the hospital two nights and released on Monday.

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

I had my surgery last Saturday, on schedule. All went well. They removed the blocked section of the ureter and regrafted it to the kidney, using a temporary stent to support it while the tissue bonds and heals. I’m on very tight restrictions: no exercise; can’t lift anything over 10 lbs; I can walk a little around the house, but not for extended periods; and I must maintain this for six weeks, at which time the stent will be removed and I will be under no restrictions. I have had some persistent pain and fatigue, both of which were expected. The pain has been localized to the incision areas and whatever the surgeon needed to cut internally. I was cautioned that the most acute pain would likely be from the stent, but I haven’t felt anything that specific or sharp as of yet.


Janet has been a rock and support in so many ways, physically and spiritually. She’s handled our joint responsibilities solo and kept up her on-demand counselling with young missionaries. I appreciate, love and admire her so much!

On a humorous note, I've been feeling that I'm pretty healthy, at least for my age. But as I was completing a pre-admission questionnaire for the hospital, I had to list all the conditions I have presently or previously. As the nurse and then the anesthesiologist reviewed my Afib, pacemaker, appendectomy, hernia surgeries, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's Disease, sleep apnea and prostate cancer I started thinking that I'm not so healthy after all! Anyway, Janet and I got a good laugh about that.

May 18, post-surgery update

I'm totally off all pain meds. My incisions are healing nicely. All my bandages are off and stitches have dissolved. I'm walking every day, and increasing my time a little each day; I'm up to about 45 minutes, but keeping a slow pace and shorter stride, compliant with doctor's orders. Still no pain that I can detect from the stent. I'm definitely on the mend.

Going back to May 2nd, before the surgery:

We got to attend the temple marriage and sealing of one of our first dear missionaries, Joshua Hansen. After his mission, he moved back to Bunbury, WA and married this beautiful girl, the daughter of President Williams, a former counselor in the stake presidency in Rockingham Stake. We were honored and so happy to see Elder Hansen take the next step in his eternal progression.

Elder Varcoe flew from Eastern Australia to be at his wedding. He was his companion. He is Aboriginal. We were so happy to see him also.

Another one of our favorite missionaries, Elder Nathan Bennion, getting married. He's a keeper!

Then on May 4, one last fling on the court before my bestest tennis buddy is out for 6 weeks. I won't tell you what the score was, but it was a good day for Janet! A miracle for sure. This was gratifying as Tony has been crushing me for weeks. We like to be equally yoked. Ha ha! I have started a really good talk about what I have learned from tennis on my mission.

The beautiful ducks in the park.

May 8, Senior Couples Day The Fremantle Prison Tour (I went without Elder Kahmann)

Before it was closed, the conditions were so poor, it was horrible. They put this wire net across the way to prevent inmates from jumping to their death from the top floors.

How would you like living in this room everyday and sleeping in this bed every night? You get a pot in your room to use the bathroom.

I think every child and youth, and all of us adults should tour this prison - to not take for granted our freedom and appreciate where all choices may lead.

And appreciate the gift of agency. And the cost and value of freedom

This immate got a TV.

Some inmates learned to paint and use their talents.


Tony was a trooper and made it to the first zone conference

He got pretty worn out, so he stayed home and recouped the second one.

Emotional Resilience with the service missionaries at zone conference

Elder Omagap, Elder Heades, Elder Cox, Sister and Elder Jose and Janet. We gave our last emotional resilience training to our service missionaries. These Elders work in the temple, help in the office and give great service in various organizations such as food banks.

Baptism for Nima from Iran. The baptism was beautiful. Nima wanted Elder Kahmann to baptize him, but he had just had surgery and could not lift anything. So then he asked if he could confirm him and we were sadly scheduled to speak in another sacrament meeting quite far away that Sunday. So then he asked him to speak at the baptism. Elder Kahmann did a great job showing a power point of Jesus's life which lead up to Jesus giving us the Holy Ghost. I played the music for the baptism. I accompanied Joanna Perry who sang a beautiful rendition of "I stand all amazed," that I had a copy of by Marshall McDonald.

Nima is such a good, humble and sweet man. We are so impressed with his earnest and passionate pursuit of truth, and how much he has grown in his admiration and love for Jesus through the course of his study. His life is not without challenges, as he now needs to find a new job (since his one-year employment and construction project is complete), and he also needs to find a new place to rent. We will pray for him on both counts. He told us that, without equivocation, he will NOT be returning to Iran; we were relieved, due to the danger he would be in to go home as a Christian (he could be executed); so we need to pray fervently that he will find work and a new place to live. In fact, the Area Presidency approved his baptism based upon his claim that he would not be returning to Iran and that he had a viable plan to evolve his current work visa to a permanent resident visa.

Sunday, May 19: Our dearest friends Marcus and Janine Oates gave their final talks today and will be flying to Pakistan to be the mission leaders for 3 years. They will be such an asset to the country and to God's work .

After church, Elder Kahmann conferred the Aaronic priesthood on Nima and ordained him a priest today. After our nice Linger Longer with the Oates, we took Nima to see the temple.

We take him to see the temple.

Nima's first experience passing the sacrament. Bishop Stancombe told us a fun story of his first time passing the sacrament after his conversion. It was to President Hinkley in SLC.

A fun last supper and games with the Sinclair's

We got to speak in church in Mandurah on Mother's Day. I just had to take a picture of this beautiful ladies hair

What a lovely gift from the Holloway's for my birthday. I told Cindy that I just wanted a game of tennis and a game of chess, so they humoured me and gave me both. She's pretty great at tennis. It was so fun. She snapped this pic of me totally having FLOW in this game of chess. The day of my birthday was packed with 2 Emotional Resilient trainings. Both sets of missionaries sang to me and gave me beautiful cards and messages. It was so sweet.

Another fun birthday gift on the night of May 20, was this beautiful halo around the moon! Just spectacular!


This is me gently trying to convince Cindy to drink the rest of her orange juice to help her absorb her iron pill, but she wouldn't cooperate. The picture made me laugh so hard.

I once tried to tell her about the analogy of our pistachio nuts. Can you see the difference in these 2 sets of nuts? Most of them in the bag are like the ones on the left, but there a percentage that are like the ones on the right. They are annoying and hard to crack. Sometimes we are like that. Which ones are you like when it comes to taking influence from God? Or from your spouse? Or those who love you and have your best interest in mind?

For our 4th anniversary, we had a delightful day! We went to this museum and ate at a fun Mexican restaurant. We also walked on the beach.

THE POWER OF WORDS! THE POWER OF FAMILY COUNCILS: The next day we traveled to Rockingham to speak in sacrament meeting and present our 2nd hour discussion on family councils. I've been wanting to remember to take at least one picture of the beautiful congregations. Tony remembered. This is a picture Elder Kahmann captured of one of the especially impacting times where we called up a father and son to practice the skills that we teach. It puts them in a place of being vulnerable. There's some good moments of deep belly laughter and there's some powerful emotions that are felt. The father became very emotional and began to cry as he communicated with his son. As the son tells the father where they could improve, the son becomes very emotional. In another ward with a father and son duo, the father broke down when his sons told him what they appreciated about him. During these roleplays you can almost hear a pin drop when this happens. It becomes a powerful example for those viewing it, of the power of loving communication.

Our congregations have been super engaged!


May 6th, Rockingham, Mandurah, and Baldivis Districts: (We combined these to save a little travel time this day) Back row: Elders, Platt, Christensen, Thomas, Brothers, Jensen, Kirby, Payne, Fosita, Vaka, Lioc Front row: Elders: Vea, Hutchins, Sisters: West, Evaga, Bolgen and Mangum.

Sisters love to hijack my phone and leave surprise pictures! LOVE EM SO MUCH!!!

May 7: Rural Districts (Wheatbelt, Albany and Geraldton) before Zone Conference: Sister Stone joined me as Elder Kahmann was recouping.

Elders: Tupa, Mayeda (DL), Wilding, Deskins (DL), Laulu, Chin Koun Chen, Wright, Hymas; Sisters: Heaps, Fehoko, Hillam, Sister Stone.

May 8th: Pilbara District: On my own again, "Flat out like a lizard drinking this week" But such lovely Elders: Elders: Niutupuivaha (pronounced Kneeoo, Tapooee, Va Ha) Still working on this one!, Saipa'ia, Valdez, and Smith. Elder Kahmann is getting better!

May 13: North Coast (Merriwa district) Elder Staley (DL), Sisters: Piercy, Royer-Tepa, Tahaafe, Elder Masalo, Sisters: Robbins, Johns, and Call.

May 13, North Coast (Heathridge and Joondalup districts) Elders: McDowell, Hill (DL), Tanag and Swenson (ZL's), Deinert, Hu'ihahau, Johnson, Tauhalaliku, Arbutante, Sefuiva

Sisters: Curtis, Ballantyne, Manakofua and Thomas

After this district meeting, they sang us the most beautiful song in Tongan to us.

May 20: Dianella Zone (Ballajura and Bellevue) Back row: Us, Elders: Kennedy (DL), Valley, Steers, Linder (DL), Neumann (ZL), Second row: Sisters Burke, Willis, Elders: Tamaiti, Hill, Tehaamonana (ZL) Front Sisters: Speelmon and Zinck

This group sang Happy Birthday to me from the Primary songbook.

May 20: Dianella District: Back row: Us, Elders Bradford, Gore(AP) Bingham, Hittle (DL), Sisters: Britton and Ariitai David. Front: Elders: Woolfenden, Williams (AP), Woofgramm, Wright, and tech sisters: Latui and Grant

This group sang Happy Birthday also. They are used to singing in many district meetings, because if it is one of our grandchildren's birthday that day, we ask them to sing, and they absolutely love it.

May 27: Thornlie District: Sisters: Burt, Larkins, Heelis, Biribo, Elders: Jones, Guillermo, Allen, Batiri, Manning (ZL), Withers (Elder Withers said that the mission is easier than he expected. He's always happy)

May 27: Armadale District: Elders: Tuilimu (DL) Robison (ZL), Wade, Gillespie, Sisters: Toala, Baker, Olson

May 24: Line Dancing with the Holloways:

This was a wonderful step. We invited the Holloway's (Cindy's family -parents and brother) to come to our ward Easter Breakfast where Cindy was dressing up as the Easter Bunny. They came and the people in the ward made them feel welcomed and loved. I asked them if they would be willing to do a line dancing activity for our ward. It was planned and organized and it happened tonight. It was with 2 wards and it was a smashing success. I don't think I have ever worked up a great "sweat"! It seems like everyone - young, old and in between had a wonderful time. Including the Holloways. There two most touching parts for me is 1. When the whole Holloway family performed a dance together. (Waltz across Texas) They dedicated it to sweet Jose, our wonderful beautiful friend who is going through some challenges with cancer and will not be beaten or slowed down in her love and service to others. She is amazing. (Jose is wearing the white shawl second from the right)

Then 2. Cindy's parent's did a special line dance (Heart of an angel) and dedicated it to Cindy for all the good things they see her do for sooo many people around her. It was so touching.

Our incredibly fabulous last supper/evening with the Holloways! Plan of Salvation and Quirkle!

We have had much cause to mourn near the end of this transfer, as we learned that four of our precious young missionaries were sent home from their missions for disobedience. Two of them were going home soon anyway, and would have participated in our departing missionary seminar, which was only ten days away. Both Janet and I were just sick at the news and feel so badly for these missionaries. We suspect it will be very hard for them to recover spiritually and emotionally from this consequence to their choices and actions. We hope and pray that they will be able to repent and become stronger for having had this experience. The two missionaries who were not scheduled to go home will be given opportunities to return to the mission field if they repent and receive approval from Church Headquarters; hopefully they do so; if and when that happens, they will be reassigned to another mission. While they will be just names to anyone other than Janet and me, we have grown to love them, and hope that they will get through this and truly turn their weaknesses into strengths.



Nima gets to enter the temple and watch the youth participate in baptisms and confirmations for the dead. What a beautiful experience! Each of the youth, gave a brief life sketch of the person for whom they were being proxy for. Nima is excited to complete the ordinances for his parents who have passed away.

Some of the wonderful Duncraig ward youth

Something really sad happened this month. Our mission nurse and dear friend, Sister Smith was diagnosed with cancer and the Smiths had to return home early from the mission to Utah. We love them so much. All of us were very broken up about it.

The mission had a special fast for Sister Smith and prayed with all our hearts for her to be protected and be able to be ok.

We were comforted and inspired by her faith and trust in God. We met for a special goodbye and sent off.


Congratulations beautiful KATE!


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1 komentář

Hannah Williams
Hannah Williams
(11. 6.)

Lots of wonderful and sad things. Love you and glad you're coming home soon:) ❤️

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