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Writer's pictureTonyJanet Kahmann

Amazing April!!!!!

Updated: Jun 4, 2023

Our Mission Experience is incredible. It's heart warming to feel the power of God, witness miracles and change and grow on a daily basis. We stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers us.

Our little Aussie Parrot friend let me get super close to take this picture. These birds are called 28's.

On April 1st, April Fools day, we spent a wonderful day at Rottnest Island with President and Sister Stone. An island that we had to take a ferry to, with 12-15,000 of these little quorkkas. They are about as big as a cat, not a kitten or a mouse.

Good People and friends - The Sinclair's (Stake WSR Specialists in Dianella Stake)

Only one departing missionary this transfer: (Apr. 3, 2023)

Elder Pearce. We had lots of fun with him enjoying some great discussion and training.

These young missionaries start to feel like our own children. We love them and want them to be strong and valiant throughout their whole lives.

Dinner at Bakers:

What a lovely couple. Brother Baker got to talk to Neil Armstrong (who is the first man who walked on the moon) some years ago. He asked him about his belief in God. He told Brother Baker that as he looked out in the vastness of the universe, he knew that there was a God.

We completed our weekly Emotional Resilience trainings, spoke in 3 wards, presented one 5th Sunday presentation (4/30) and presented at 1 single adult regional fireside, and 4 Zone conferences.

Here's a couple of our ER groups.

Como District in Southern River Zone 4/19/23

Sister Wasden, 4th sister on the left, (from the front), is from our home ward in Pleasant View Utah. Elder Wright, 3rd Elder on the right (from the front Elder) is President Hinkley's great grandson. A lot of our lesson this transfer was about President Hinkley. Here's one of our favorite quotes from him that we shared in both our ER training and in our ZONE conference training: It brings comfort and hope to many of our missionaries.

"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out. If you do your best, it will all work out. Put your trust in God and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us." (Gordon B. Hinkley, "Excerpts form Addresses of GBH" Ensign, Oct 2000, 73)

April 19, 2023

Zone: Southern River Zone: Thornlie and Cloverdale districts

Heathridge and Joondalup April 7, 2023

Such great Elders and Sisters! They are all doing so well on their doctrinal points.

The Stone's invited us to Easter Dinner (Passoever seder meal) at their home with the AP's and the Tech Elder's. It was so nice. Sorry we didn't get more pictures on this one.

This spider was on Elder Kahmann's pillow when we woke up one morning. I stripped the sheets moved all the furniture and Elder Kahmann sprayed all around with pesticide. I accidently broke one of our lamps.

The other story is about the tiger sharks. We were walking on the beach close to our house. We talked to a young man who was fishing. He said he loves catching tiger sharks for sport. (Catch and release). He pulled one out recently that was 9 feet long. I think that has ended our interest in swimming in the ocean. It is amazing we are not dead yet!

Happy Birthday Sister McDonald! We love this couple so much. She cuts my hair whenever I need it cut! We had them over for a birthday dinner and cooked our favorite salmon. Then we played some games. She is a model for one of the high end dress shops in town. She dressed so classy.

This was, Sarah, the Bishop's daughter in Cloverdale ward (where we spoke) who had a 3 month old adorable baby boy named Arthur. She let me hold him for the whole Relief Society meeting. It made my day.

A darling family in the Madeley ward. Their dad plays the organ. The Joseph Family. All their names start with "M". Sorry I didn't write them down. Mom's was Marie.

This little bird is popular around here. It is called a willie wagtail. And it does wag it's tail. So cute

For General Conference we had such a marvelous time. We planned this spectacular breakfast of french toast with Cindy. It was AMAZING!! I still can't get over it. Cindy brought the best sour dough bread, strawberries, bacon and all sorts of groceries. So now she needs to come for dinner for the rest of the mission to eat all the groceries she brought.

We loved General Conference so much!!!! Our almost 99 year old prophet is so wise and wonderful.

Janet and Cindy staying warm during conference

We just love Cindy! She makes everything fun! She is the epitome of a true ministering sister (and adopted daughter).

A fun walk in the park after conference!

She surprized us with some new plants in pots which included the dirt and the climbing posts. See the cute little Easter Bunny.

Tony found a hack for homemade fertilizer. So I blended some banana peelings and a few other fruit rinds and added to the garden.

Look at the amazing shot of this beautiful bird in our park across the street.

For the Beauty of the Earth

Our wonderful friends, the Jose's. They have just been called to help with the service missions.

We were asked to present a emotional resilience workshop for the YSA Regional Devotional: This was very fun. We met some of the coolest kids.

We also did a presentation for zone conferences. Our topic was Growth through Self-Examination. Tony made a super fun anonymous survey of the attributes of Christ from PMG that the missionaries did on their phones and submitted to us. 84 elders and sisters participated in the survey. Tony graphed the results and we adapted our training on the biggest concerns that we found. Our focus was exact obedience, using President Nelson's quote that "obedience brings success. Exact obedience brings miracle."

Tony came up with a fun idea. He wanted me to play a song on the piano and then in the middle of it make is sound out of harmony. So, I used this music of Marshall McDonalds. I just stopped playing the flats half way through. It got tweeked into the parable of the flats. We improved on it from each of the Zone conferences. It was so much fun. It ended up being a great object lesson that taught the importance of harmony in relationships with God, others, and within themselves.

Our beautiful Granddaughter, Tacey, arrives in Chile. (With her Mission President and wife)

Our darling Robinson Family, living in beautiful Germany are moving back to the States! Yea! They have made such a great contribution to the branch and community. They have also been able to see more sites and countries than 3 little girls could have ever dreamed of. We LOVED visiting them in their fun home in such a gorgeous country!

Thanks Amy, for getting this to Sam! Darling Boy! Samuel Johnson got his mission call this past week . . .. to . . . . Honduras! (A country of Central America) Language: Spanish ! Congrats Sam!

A couple more of our 12 year olds make it to the temple for the first time. Go Autumn and Audrey, along with your sweet cousins, Uncle Jake and Uncle Abe and Aunt Marcie. Abe was just sustained as the new Bishop of his ward last week. We're thrilled for your ward Abe and Marcie.

The new book we are reading now shared with us by Cindy, of course!

Moving on to May! It's been 9 months of JOY!

47 views2 comments


Hannah Williams
Hannah Williams
May 02, 2023

Looks wonderful! Great update


David Kahmann
David Kahmann
May 01, 2023

Great post. Thanks

Love you guys, you are always in my thoughts.


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