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Writer's pictureTonyJanet Kahmann


Updated: Nov 21, 2023

Spending 4 days with Riki Tukukino was epic! "It's all starting to click!"

This month: Departing Missionary Seminar, 2 stake conferences, 4 days of young single adult career initiative, Stake President's and Bishop's trainings with Riki Tukukino, ( WSR leader from Melbourne, Eastern Australia); and a 2-day zone conference, and heaps of eating OUT! We went way under budget on food , over budget on calories. We also started round two of speaking in all the wards and did the most fun 2nd hour on Family Councils in Northam.


Elder Wheeler, Elder Bailey, Sister Joyce, Sister Sialapata


Lesson #3 Healthy Relationships

I can't believe I missed the picture of Ballajura District! Sorry about that our sweet Elders and Sisters. Elder Mayeda, Hutchins, Ginn, Laulu, Thomas, Tanag, Moala, McDowell, and Sisters Paletu'a and Talbot.

Dianella District: Elder Mahaffey, Elder Manning, Sister Tonas, Sister Smith (the STL's) Sister Speelman, Sister Baker, Us, Elder Tavui, Elder Whiting (the AP's), Elder Mabey, Elder Platt, Elder Valley.

Lesson #4 Boundaries, Covenants and Blessings

Sister Kahmann and Sister Taufa

Yanchep and North Coast District Back: Sister Shipley, Sister Falani, Sister Larsen, Elder Platt, Elder Mahaffey, Elder Smith, Front: Sister Tanielu, Sister Sakalia, Sister Mafi, Sister Willis, Elder Wolfgramm, Elder Lioc

Heathridge District: Elder Hymas, Elder Steers, (our neighbors),Elder Guillermo, Elder Wilding, Elder Tamaiti (from Kirabati), Elder Jensen, Elder Kennedy, Elder Bradford, Sister Gillins, Sister West.

Como District Elder Jones, Elder Rea, Elder Switzer, Elder Valley, Sister Bramwell, Sister Johnson

Cloverdale District: Sister Lutui, Sister Rogers, Sister Ulberg, Sister Pennington, Elder Tauhalaliku, Elder Saipa'ia (His mother's funeral was in Tonga earlier this morning. He spoke at it over zoom at 3:00 am. Then he came to our emotional resilience training at 11:30 am "Bless his heart"!!!)

We did all these outlying area in person at zone conference in the evening, rather than on zoom. It's so much better in person. We played a fun game with them after, but it got pretty wild with the Tongans. They were all tired after the long day of zone conference so they were silly.

A wonderful Zone Conference: Done in 2 days instead of 4. So much better. A less tiring week.

Dinner with some of our wonderful couples: From left around the table: Sister and Elder Smith (housing and mission nurse, from Logan), Elder and Sister Poulsen (Geraldton Branch president - MLS) from West Haven, Us (WSR) , The Grinceri's (cars and office),(we live in their rental house) President and Sister Stone, The MacDonald's (office), the Metcalfs (from England) MLS, the Albrechts (MLS) St. George. There's a few more couples, but they weren't here.

We enjoyed a wonderful temple session together

(North Coast Zone) Departing missionary (for next transfer) testimonies: Elder Rae, Sister Taufa, Sister Loseli, Sister Wotherspoon, Elder Judd

(Southern River Zone) Sister Mafi, Elder Moala, Sister Falani (who makes all these beautiful leis for the departing missionaries. They are so beautiful.

"FEELING FLAT OUT LIKE A LIZARD DRINKIN" (That's the Auzzie for: "I'm dead meat")

So for fun, we:

made some treats (man at the store)

Our new convert, Amit, who we frequently zoom with from India, sent us the recipe for his wonderful sesame seed bars that we love. We went to an Indian store, collected the ingredients and followed his video tutorial. They turned out fantastic.

Saw the most beautiful Canola fields in Northam (All that yellow)

and took a heavenly walk on the beach, lucky to see the most spectacular sunset ever!!!

Tony's medical mystery

Sometime in June I started having a skin rash, with red, leathery patches which were super itchy. I started treating it with creams and experimented with both coconut and sunflower oils; both the creams and oils were great for moisturizing my skin, but did nothing to resolve the inflammation, redness or itching. I went to a doctor in July, and he confirmed that I was suffering from "contact dermatitis", which meant that the cause was either food(s) or environmental. We changed laundry detergents and reviewed and ruled out any other environmental agents around our home; and then I started researching and eliminating foods that could have been the cause(s). I started with nuts (especially peanuts), and expanded to cows milk and eggs (with limited to zero effect). I received a priesthood blessing from our young elders (living across the street), which provided 2-3 days of welcome relief; but the symptoms regrettably returned. I went back to the doctor and received an Rx for the strongest steroid/anti-itch cream, and that helped minimize itching but was not curative. I changed the brand of one of my prescription medicines that research indicated as causing allergic reactions, especially with skin (but that was not the cause). I finally researched gluten and its connection to triggering histamine release in the body, particularly as it relates to Hashimoto's disease, which I have had for years (in conjunction with hypothyroidism). Bottom line is that since I've limited my diet to gluten-free and also gone off dairy products (including cheese), my symptoms have close to disappeared and my skin is healing. It takes several weeks for antigens to flush out of one's intestinal tract, so I'm patiently waiting for the full effects to kick in. I'm also hopeful that the Hashimoto's symptoms of fatigue and "brain fog" will pass in time, since gluten intolerance and Hashimoto's are closely correlated.

This picture is representative of my new diet, which is everything not only gluten-free, but also avoiding foods that, while they don't include any gluten, trigger (for some well-researched medical reasons) histamine release; the latter include such foods as anything aged (cheeses, especially hard), yogurts, fermented foods (soy sauce) and even dried fruits and vegetables. This wholesale change in diet will hopefully be worth it! I'm excited to see how it plays out, as early results are promising.


Our Wonderful Cindy is on it!!!

Sorry Cherie, Hyrum, Meagan, Marcie, Stephanie, Jake, and Nephi. The grandchildren will have to find their own names on their missions. Poor Cindy was having to drive all over Western Australia.


Till next month! MISSIONS ARE THE BEST!!!!!

DOCTRINAL POINT QUIZ (For the courageous and not faint-hearted, like this little girl.)

We are so excited that some of you grandchildren (along with the ones on missions) are starting to memorize the doctrinal points. Good on ya! It will be a stimulating and life changing experience.

These are found in the new edition of Preach My Gospel

Lesson 1: The message of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ (pages 31-32)

Lesson 2: The Plan of Salvation (pages 47-48)

Lesson 3: The Gospel of Jesus Christ (pages 62-63)

Question 1: How does God Feel about us? Quote two doctrinal points in lesson 1 that answers that question.

Question 2: (Advanced) The doctrinal points talk about 2 significant events. What is one of them that this picture could represent? (Compliments of Nate and cousin on Wardle's side)

What is the other event?

Please post your answers in comments below, family group chat or text. Sister Kahmann will be so delighted!!!!

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