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Writer's pictureTonyJanet Kahmann

January Gems 2023

Updated: Feb 2, 2023


A sample of one of testimonies and pictures we like to give each missionary when they leave.

Elder Eyring Tapu

“I've had many experiences on the mission where I am able to witness how the atonement has changed people's lives. People that I've taught and also missionaries. I know that our Heavenly Father loves us and has given his only begotten son to help us overcome the challenges we face.

“The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. I've gained a desire to serve because I knew that the book of Mormon is true and throughout my mission, I've developed a greater testimony of its truthfulness.

“We will always face challenges throughout the mission but I'm super grateful for them. Because of my faith in my Saviour and trusting him, I know that God’s plan for us is to be happy. When there are moments we feel down, have the faith to expect that there are better things to come. I've always had the mindset of ‘if I had a bad week this week, that means next week is gonna be the best week.’”

Elder Johnston, Elder Chessell, Elder Tapu, Elder Allred

Shopping and preparing for these seminars takes some time and work, but the Elders sure appreciate it.


North Coast Zone

Dianella Zone

Rockingham Zone (Actually Feb. 1, 2023)

Rockingham Zone (Bunbury and Busselton) (Feb. 1, 2023)

(Look, every single missionary brought their own book! Score)

Some of our groups we have to do over zoom. So they get their handouts and treats at zone conference.


4 Wards: Como Ward, Jandukot Ward, Thornlie Ward, Kalgoorlie Ward (7 hours away) and 1 branch (1 1/2 hours away)

We spent a few days and nights in Kalgoorlie, since it was so far. We visited another senior couple, the Geracitano's, who lavished us with time and food. (we didn't get a picture, but I will) We had so much fun with them. They are Italian. She is a fabulous cook. He is a master joke teller. We spoke in the ward, and did training at the ward council which included all auxillary presidencies along with the Bishopric. The were very engaged and participated well.

We met with our beautiful sisters in Kalgoorlie, Sister Wasden and Sister DeKlerk. We ask the Sisters what they have found about their missions that was most surprising. Sister DeKlerk said, "I have been surprised how fast my testimony has grown."

One of the biggest open pit gold mines in the world is in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. We took a few hours to visit the museum and see some sights. We stayed in a motel for a few nights.


The old dentist's office

These two American companies were right next to each other in Kalgoorlie (for the benefit of Nephi and Jake)

The Kalgoorlie Ward members treated us like royalty. On Sunday, they prepared a special potluck feast for us after church. The wards and members here in Australia are so generous with their time and feeding of us. It's so fun to eat the amazing food. We both put on some pounds this trip. Ahhhh.

We fell in love with the Bishop's family.

Bishop Sheck and his beautiful family.

Gabrielle (15), Aliana (14) (I thought she was the wife of one of the brothers in the Bishopric when I was at church), Quincy (11) (passed the sacrament at church) and Lillian (12). Bishop and Sister Sheck. We had so much fun. They invited us for breakfast before our long journey back to Perth, on Monday morning. That little stinker, Quincy, beat me in a game of chess. On Sunday night, they told us that we had to pay for our dinner by singing them a song. So Elder Kahmann and I sang a duet of "Love at Home."

Here are a few clips of this family singing together. We absolutely loved the spirit in their home and became fast friends.

2 QR CODES (Coming)

The Northam Branch


The Grinceri's, the Smith's (New senior couple from Logan, Utah. Sister Smith is a nurse and will work with medical needs. They will also do housing. ) We love them!

Elder and Sister Morris. They have been over housing and will leave in March. We will miss them.

Royal, Venessa, Pat Hope, Sister West, Us, Chris, Dawn, Patricia, Karen West and Paul West in the upper picture, and Fran, from Duncraig ward. Most of these ladies are from Ocean Reef Ward. They invited us to their institute social. Such delicious food and inspiring life stories and conversions to the gospel.

Elder Kahmann, Elder Nonu, Elder Putman, Albert and Gayle Grinceri, Sister Curtis and Sister Wotherspoon


JANET: January 5th: Golden Goal Day: One of my favorite activities in the world: Creating my yearly goals and organizing my notebooks. Mission life is taking me to a new level of organization. I LOVE IT!

TONY: In January I had a wonderful, surprise reunion online with both young missionaries that taught Karen and me the gospel 49 years ago. (Baptized Feb. 9, 1974) Their names are Brad Carlson and Virgil Atkinson. Virgil has been looking for Karen and I for 40 years. He finally me through a quite random face book connection through Cherie. I was thrilled to find that they are both faithful in the gospel. When they taught us, Karen and I were in our mid twenties, and they were only 5 and 6 years younger than us. Virgil is retired and living in the city of his birth, which is Yuba City, California. Brad continues to work, as an electrical engineer, and lives in Mesa, Arizona.

(P.S. from Janet: I am so thankful for Virgil and Brad for their diligent labors as young missionaries many year ago. Can you imagine the joy it has brought them to see that the fruit of their labor "remain" (John 15:16) and are strong and faithful?)

We planted 2 tomato plants this month (In January! How about that)!

This is our first picking. Delicious!

My cookies keep getting better. These were the best yet!

Some fun origami a sweet man made for us at the Christmas dinner in December.

God's creations never cease to amaze us. We love to walk along the beach which is 5 minutes away from our home, when time allows, and watch the sunset.

We also have learned of the healing benefits of the beautiful salty ocean. The combination of ocean salt water soaking, the gifts of ice packs and gel from our angel, Cindy, and a very special priesthood blessing of healing from my wonderful husband and 4 elders who delivered a piano to our home on January 28th, my tennis injury (first one in the 50 + years I have played) has been miraculously healed.

Swimming in the ocean Saturday, I saw a starfish and a huge school of fish, just with my goggles. Now life doesn't get much better (despite an injury) than this. I beat my husband in a set of tennis 7/5, swam in the ocean and saw my first starfish, and was blessed with a piano in our home all on the same day.

Our Aussie home is now fully furnished and complete.

We have thoroughly enjoyed reading this old book together in the evenings. We are about half way through.

The footprints of a darling child with her parent touched my heart.

God's plan is so amazing. Without the creation, the plan, the atonement, we could not live forever. There is so much joy in our knowledge of the gospel. It is a plan of happiness indeed.


Our Sweet Maya was baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and received the Holy Ghost. What a wonderful decision Maya.

7 of our grandchildren will be turning 12 this year. Joanna Williams, Audrey Wardle, Brigham Mitchell, Autumn Mitchell, Joel Johnson, Abigail Robinson, and Danny Mitchell.

They are trekking to the temple already. Here's some fun January treks. We are so excited for these kiddos.

Abigail Robinson in Germany

Danny Mitchell in Orem, Utah

Joanna Williams in Rexburg, Idaho

LOVE YOU ALL! Thanks for taking the time to read our blog!

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1 Comment

David Kahmann
David Kahmann
Feb 07, 2023

Great post guys!

Keep em comin’!

Love Dave

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