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Writer's pictureTonyJanet Kahmann

JULY- Just so glad for what the Savior has done for us all

Updated: Sep 18, 2023

July has been filled with sorrow. We have witnessed life threatening despair in a missionary, disobedience and deception in several other missionaries, and untimely deaths to several members of our senior missionary families.

Elder Brennan, who takes care of the missionary bikes lost his oldest son and his father within a week.

Our sweet senior couple, Joe and Jill Grinceri, whose home we are renting, have 4 children. Their only girl, named Kerry, has lived in Sydney with her sweet husband and 3 children, Abby, Thomas, and Emily. Her husband, Bardia Paki, is from New Zealand. He is Maori. He is also currently serving as the president of their stake. Several weeks ago, Kerry gave birth to her 4th child, Lucy. The child had a blockage in her bowels that was concerning. They put Lucy into a intensive care unit. Several days later, Kerry, the mother died of a sudden unexpected stroke. Her family was so thankful that she was able to have had a few days with her new baby (she was able to stay with Lucy while she was in the NICU).

We watched the funeral via Zoom, which was so inspiring. Kerry's husband spoke with amazing poise and power of the extreme contrast in experiencing the birth of his fourth child and the death of his wife. He wanted to tell the most wonderful love story of all time to his young children, and spoke directly to them. He began with how it started in Heaven with a loving Heavenly Father. He basically went into missionary mode, taught the beautiful plan of salvation and then included the story of him and his wife and the promise that they would all have her and each other for eternity, because of Jesus Christ. It was absolutely stellar and inspiring. There were many people there who may not have known much about the gospel.

Just a few days before Kerry died

Several months ago, Jill Grinceri trimmed this bush in our back yard. (above picture) A few days before baby Lucy was born and Kerry died, the bush burst out into these beautiful blooms that we had never seen before.


Elder Thomas Arrieta

I’m proud to say that I have a strong testimony of Jesus Christ and of the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon can change your life if you choose to let it.

Elder Trae Jayden Tahata

I love Alma 36: 24-25: I came here like a little boy. I can say that I know that God lives and loves me personally. I have seen many miracles. I have mixed emotions but I know that everything will be fine. Thinking about my family makes me realize how Heavenly Father must feel to see us again. The most joy has been seeing others come to Christ. I know without a doubt that the Book of Mormon is true. It brings me peace. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet. I want to continue to convert.

Elder Jack Aaron Chambers

I know that God called me to the Australian Perth Mission. God teaches us through our experiences. I love people. I just love people. The Savior continues to love me and forgive me. Before my mission I was at the gym and someone asked me why I was serving. I told them that there are people out there who need to be baptized. I wasn’t expecting the conversion that would come to myself. Consistent focus and outward reach have been life changing. Put your trust in God. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Have faith. Exercise faith and put your trust in God.

I had to do this without Elder Kahmann, as he was asked to escort a missionary to the US for health reasons. Thank you to Sister Stone, who helped me with the lunch and contributed to the great spirit of the day.

Beautiful Corilee, who we visited.

On July 1, while Tony was gone, Cindy and I took a "do all your favorite things" day. Cindy loves to prepare surprises and go visit people. We went to a baptism, sang some songs together, read some favorite books and played tennis (acutually the next day.) She said she wasn't good, but she was great for not having played for a while.

My (Elder Kahmann's) escort trip back to the U.S.

Late Sunday night, June 25, President Stone called us to see if I would accept an assignment to escort a missionary (elder) home to his family in the U.S. This young elder had only been in the mission for a couple of transfers, and had not done well. What precipitated the decision to be sent home (and hopefully fulfill a service mission) was his ideation and threats to commit suicide. May it suffice to say that subsequent events only served to reinforce the urgency in getting him help, and at home. After evaluation was made by several members of the mission and area medical teams, it was decided that he be escorted by one senior missionary (not two). When President Stone took us to the airport and said goodbye at the security screening entrance, he whispered in my ear that I "needed to watch and be with him 24/7, and not let him out of your sight."

Our flight left on time from Perth, but encountered both a delay and a cancellation, which extended an already long, scheduled transit time of about 40+ hours to over 50 hours. It would be an understatement to say that this was a grueling trip. The good news was that the Lord watched over us, strengthened me to be physically and emotionally able to endure, and tempered the young elder’s feelings and behaviors such that he was peaceful and not outwardly distressed or anxious at any time. I felt the blessings of the prayers of many that were being offered in our behalf.

I was able to spend 2.5 days with Keith and family on the way back, and ½ day with Julia and their three girls. It was a welcome surprise to have SLC added to my return schedule. I definitely needed the rest, and it was wonderful to see the kids and grandkids briefly. While it was a wonderful surprise and just delightful to spend some time with Keith, Julie and their families, I nonetheless felt like “a duck of out water”. I felt the most uncomfortable while in sacrament meeting with Keith and Cherie in their ward; I felt most acutely that I just didn’t belong there. As I processed on this later, it came to me that the reason I felt uncomfortable was that I was not at my post; I was not home and serving in my mission. A story in the scriptures that best relates was that of Uriah, who King David summoned home from the war to cover his sins with Bathsheba. King David expected him to stay with his wife in their home, but Uriah was not comfortable doing so while his fellow soldiers continued with the daily hardships and perils of warfare; instead, he slept with the king’s servants; he felt uncomfortable being away from his post.

Emotional Resilience Training: These are getting better and more and more FUN!

Heathridge District

North Coast District

We were able to do the Geraldton District in person and NOT OVER ZOOM. So much better. Elder Bailey, The Poulsen's, Elder Neumann, Sister Whitney and Sister Afualo July 16, 2023

Thornlie and Cloverdale Districts July 12, 2023

The wonderful Rockingham District. I put Elder Tauhalaliku's (far left), the DL name on my mirror and worked on it all month. Finally got it. Love him! So humble. Elder Vaka, Elder Judd, Elder Williams, Elder Tuilimu (tooeelee'mu), new, Elder Wright, Elder Payne, Elder Chin Koun Cheng, Elder Tehaamoana (another name I put on my mirror), Elder Valdez (new), Sister Lutui, Sister Fehoko, Sister Ng Wun (Naw one), Sister Wasden, Sister Frey, Sister Sialeipata July 26, 2023

We did our Wheatbelt, Pilbara and Albany Districts in the evening during the week of zone conferences so we could do them IN PERSON as well. We played some fun games and had root beer floats after to celebrate some birthdays and have some fun together. July 18, 2023. We were dead meat after 4 days of zone conferences and 2 evening trainings.

Bunbury District July 26, 2023 Elder Deskins (on the left) has matured so much. He's a great district leader. Next is Elder Gore from UK. Love him! It was so fun having our new couple, the Metcalf's as well. Sister Burt, Sister Ulberg, Elder Hittle, Elder Linder, Sister Loseli, Sister Topou. They are all so great!

Our wonderful senior couple, the Albrecht's from Albany joined us for dinner and ER training and then we went to the temple with them in the morning. They are so great.

We had lunch with President Duffield, from Albany and talked about welfare self-reliance in his small branch.

Some productive growing is taking place

Sister Harvey, our new office senior missionary.

July 8-10 Our Fun Trip to Geralton, about 5 hours away (north) from our home in Padbury.

We got there in time to attend and help with a baptism in the branch.

Us and the Poulsen's

This is a sand dune we saw on the way. It looks like snow.

So, this Stray Animals sign: What are the 3 animals? Kangaroos, ... Emus, ... and ??? You'll likely never guess, so #3 is ... Echidnas! We actually saw one that day, in the wild! A couple of aboriginal kids that were on our excursion found it. (We have video, but it wouldn't upload to the blog).

We spent Monday P-Day with the Poulsen's, young missionaries and a sweet aboriginal family in their branch.

Us, Sister Whitney, The Poulsen's, Sister Afualo, Elder Bailey, Elder Neumann

The pink lake, where they extract color for red dye throughout the world.

at the Kalbarri Skywalk, which overhangs a valley. Spectacular view, but a little scary!

On the 23rd, our R. S. was given by Elder Peter F. Meurs' daughter, Kate, who is in our ward in Duncraig. She was asked to teach the conference talk her dad, Elder Meurs gave in Saturday afternoon session of general conference. It is called "He Could Heal Me!" He was so devastated by this experience. He had PTSD for many years. He felt so terrible. He lost his license for a year. 11 year old Kate, was the one that said, "Dad, you need to give Jarom a blessing. He was the 5 month old baby. When Elder Meurs had picked up his little boy, his blue eyes had rolled back into his head. He was not responsive. His head felt like it was crushed. After blessing the baby, he was miraculously ok.

Kate loves to be in her Dad's study where he has this picture on his wall.

This is a picture of her Dad and mom back when this happened.

Elder Meurs is a brilliant man who has served the Lord in the church and has been brilliant and inspirational in his profession.

After church, we had the Stone's for lunch to celebrate Sister Stone's birthday. She and I are the same age. On July 7, Sister Stone and I got to present at a Relief Society night on mental illness for a ward in her stake. Sister Stone told her amazing story of coping and overcoming her trial with OCD/scrupulosity.

Sister MacDonald and I at Zone Conference with our matching coats. She found these coats for us at a super bargain. We are always freezing at zone conferences.

We made enchiladas and gingerbread and whipped cream for these neighbor missionaries. When we all took our first bite of gingerbread, we all went "Oh Yum" at the same time. It was so funny. Elder Myler, Elder Hymas, Elder Steers and Elder Wilding.

A perfect P-Day in Padbury with Heathridge district (the elders are our neighbors across the street from us). Elder Wilding, in the middle front was tennis state champ in high school in Idaho.

Our Beautiful 93 year old mom (in Utah), grandma and great grandma is still smiling and hanging in there. We miss her so much. (Pics with Kendra, Amy, Kali and Audrey)

I loved this face book post by Amy:

"So grateful I got to spend my day with my wonderful grandma! What an amazing woman she is. I love her so much. As I was leaving her room I noticed another resident had this hanging on his door: Please disturb. We never know how long we have with our grandparents. Please disturb is a phrase I’d like to more fully embrace. Reach out to those who need a friend. Don’t be shy. Don’t hesitate. Never suppress a generous thought. Let God disturb your busy life and listen! Disturb God by praying daily. Disturb your fears with faith. Disturb Satan with goodness. Disturb your natural tendency to be impatient with some patience and kindness. Disturb your day to love"

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