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Writer's pictureTonyJanet Kahmann

Marvelous May

Our wonderful Tech Elders! Elder Bennion, Elder Platt, Elder Mahaffey. They tape us giving talks for the far away branches and do many other things for us. They are the best!

The sunsets are stunning!

We are working super hard to get all our ducks in a row! (Pinnaroo Cemetery)

Cindy's lovely morning tea with the Senior Sisters

Sister Geracitano, Sister Grinceri, Sister Stone, Me, Cindy, Sister MacDonald, Sister Smith

Sister Smith

Little Cindy Lou Who, who never stops giving!

Our comic relief, Sister Stone

We met this kind couple at the tea. Tony and I visited and helped with their church's weekly service project of feeding the needy in the community.

Emotional Resilience Training

Sister MacDonald joined our training today. So great!

We felt like this was one of our most spirit-filled trainings yet. Although is was the first group out of eight to begin the second round of lesson 2 - Healthy Thinking, (who are usually the guinea pigs) we were just thrilled with the willingness and vulnerability of these sweet missionaries, and the spirit that we felt through them.

This was also super interesting and wonderful. Whoops, I erased some of the feelings before taking the picture, but some real deep feelings and insights came out of these sessions.

We pass this Crooked Carrot Cafe whenever we go south to Rockingham and Bunbury. This time we decided to stop and eat. It was delicious and so quaint and well maintained. What a treat out in the middle of the bush!

Our Departing Missionary Seminar May 12, 2023

Elder Cleary (one of the APs, from England), Sister Russell, Elder Bennion, Elder Alfred. This one was particularly hard for us. We come to love these young missionaries as our own.

Our Welfare Self-Reliance team flew us to Sydney for a 3-day training in Sydney. We stayed in a beautiful hotel. We learned a lot about the new career initiative that we will be promoting. They scheduled a temple session for us and in the evenings and last day we were able to see some incredible sights. We bonded with some incredible people as well.

The Sydney Opera House

The Sydney temple at night.

I didn't realize that the Sydney Opera House was on a peninsula.

Over 233 designs were initially considered for the state’s new opera house, but ultimately, Danish architect Jørn Utzon was announced as the winner of the 1957 competition.

Utzon’s design, featuring ultra modernist concepts and curved, half conical shaped spires, was confirmed to be the new Sydney Opera House.

They fed us like kings and queens during the training. A morning tea, a huge lunch, an afternoon tea, and super great dinners everyday. Our kilos went up on this trip. Ahhhh!

Coaches will be trained to work one-on-one with young single (or married) adults ages 18-30.

We will work as coaches and we will train other coaches in the stakes and wards to help young adults with careers. The Pacific area wants the returning missionaries to plan for careers rather than just "jobs" so that they will be able to provide for families, serve in the church and be self-reliant.

Careers Pacific; PostScript by Tony: We spent three days in Sydney last week receiving training on the new Careers Pacific initiative, which is being heavily promoted by the Pacific Area Presidency and, in turn, by the Welfare Self-Reliance department and staff. Most of the time was spent on training us how to be Career Coaches. Many young adults in the Pacific, including those both single and married age 18-30, are languishing at home and/or working in jobs that put money in their pockets, but are not fulfilling or productive as careers. Careers Pacific includes outreach to provide 1:1 coaching to help young adults gain vision, develop career plans with associated goals for education and training, and make commitments to and act upon their plans. We feel that this is a wonderful expansion of our own ministries; that this is not just an ”initiative” or additional program. We have begun reaching out to missionaries returning to WA, and will expand our target audience and recruiting of coaches as needs occur.

Our dear WSR team above: The McClellans, (Larry and Jody) The Smith's (Michael and Julie) and us. Below: Riki Tukukino is between Smiths and McClellans. Our great leader.

This is spectacular! The Sydney Opera House.

This reminds me of a giant shark

Jody, Julie, Janet and Janet. Janet just retired from the tabernacle choir before coming on her mission. She and I sang Love is Spoken Here together in front of the Sydney Opera House! This was one of the highlights of my trip!

The McClellan's, The Kahmann's and the Smith's.

Our whole group of Welfare Self Reliance missionaries and church employees attended the temple together! So great!

This cool looking building on the left is called the Crown. We were able to go to the 26th floor only, but what a view. The McClellan's gave a waitress a pass along card and she was excited.

I did have one accident in Sydney. I went swimming in the motel and slipped on the stairs, hit my hip and got a completely huge, purple bruise the size of a large eggplant. I took a picture to prove it, but decided not to show you that.

For my birthday, I was absolutely spoiled. We started the day with tennis. Our ward R.S. president and our dear friend KJ took Tony and I for an epic picnic at Araluen Botanic Garden. We went to a lovely Indian restaurant with our wonderful friends, Amit and Yukta. Sweet sister missionaries made me a cake with candles. The Elders brought me cookies. Geoffery Holloway sent flowers. Cindy gave me Cover Your Assets game. Sister Oates brought by the best chocolate chip cookies in the world. Tony spoiled me with a clothes shopping spree with Sister MacDonald, the unofficial mission hairdresser, and best dresser.

But the highlight birthday gift for me was:


Precious thoughts about Amit

On May 6, 2023, the sister missionaries and I were sitting on the porch beginning to teach a gospel lesson to James and Daniel (two brothers; recent converts). A very sweet and kind man named Amit came out of his daughter’s flat and offered tea to us. We could not drink his tea, but we invited him to join us with our discussion.

James and Daniel rent their flat to Amit’s daughter, Yukta. She has been living in WA for 4 years, since she was 17. She came here to study at the University. Amit came to celebrate her graduation and was spending 2 months with her.

Amit enjoyed our discussion. We taught about the steps of returning to live with Heavenly Father and receiving eternal life and exaltation. Amit wanted to attend church with us the next day. He did. It was fast Sunday. We taught him another lesson after church. His faith is incredible. He is so childlike. He has a very bright countenance as you can see. He loved everything that he was taught. Elder Kahmann asked Amit what made him want to listen to the gospel. He said that he was searching for the truth and three angels came to him yesterday and taught him.

Sister Sanft, Sister Curtis, Sister and Elder Kahmann, Daniel, Amit

The Sisters continued to teach Amit while Elder Kahmann and I were in Sydney for training. Bethany Hussey joined the sisters in teaching the lessons.

Amit accepted their invitation to be baptized. They originally set the date for May 28. Then Amit decided to change it to May 21. We were sad that we had a speaking assignment in Geraldton that day (five hours north from where we live) and would not be able to attend. Many miracles occurred for us. Our speaking assignment was randomly changed because the patriarch would be in Geraldton to give patriarchal blessings that weekend, and requested to speak in church while he was there. We were thrilled.

A very special tender mercy for me was that I had been memorizing and reciting my doctrinal points for several months. When we recite the invitations, there is a blank for putting in the date for the baptism. I have been saying May 20, as that was the random date I picked (my birthday). When Amit was baptized close to 1:00 pm on the 21st of May in Australia, Duncraig ward chapel, it was 11:00 pm in Utah, USA, May 20, my birthday. I never imagined having such a great birthday present. Amit wanted Elder Kahmann to baptize and confirm him a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What a beautiful day. Amit bore a powerful testimony. The spirit was very strong. Everyone was so impressed with Amit’s very special spirit. Many of the ward members, missionaries, and mission leaders attended. President Richard, our stake president, shared his experience of feeling strongly prompted to be at this baptism when he was traveling home from Oman. He connected Amit with his friend from India.

Sister Curtis was transferred and Sister Kuru-lakopo joined Sister Sanft. Yukta attended her Dad’s baptism. She said she has never seen her dad so happy.

We have had a blast spending time with Amit and Yukta. We love them so much! We will miss Amit, but we will be eternal friends. We are so glad we still have Yukta here. We can’t wait to meet the rest of the family. We look forward to having them come visit us in Utah, and cook their wonderful food for our big family.

Elder Myler, the district leader, interviewed Amit for baptism.

Sister Sanft, (Bethany Hussey, YSA who helped teach), us, Amit, Yukta, Sister Kuro-Lapoko

President Stone and Stake President Richard on the back row behind Amit. This wasn't everyone that came, but what great support from the ward.

We were so sad that Sister Curtis got transferred too far away to come to the baptism.

Janine Oates - our Stake R.S. President and dear friend. (Geoffrey's flowers)

Amit is a headmaster (principal) in a school in India. He is also a yoga instructor. His town, Jagatpur Ahmedabad, has 8 million people. He will most likely be the only member of the church there. We have connected him to the mission president and his counselor (who will be his branch president). He received the priesthood on Sunday. Tony taught him how to do the sacrament, which he will be authorized to do when he gets home. They zoom sacrament meeting each Sunday at 10:00. He also has a beautiful wife, Het, and a son, Milind.

We all ate off the same plate and bowl. Do you love our table?

These were so good! Sesame seed treats.

Our excursion to Penguin Island with Amit and Yukta. So, so fun!!!

These adorable little penguins are only in Australia.

May 25, 2023 Our 3rd year wedding anniversary Happiness at 54 degrees. (private joke and funny story) Tennis and scrabble are becoming more Celestial. We ate out at a classy Italian Restaurant.

Cindy enters the temple. We did baptisms for the dead with her. This was a goal and a big step for her. I have not done that since I was a young girl. It was so special being baptized by Elder Kahmann.

Our missionary neighbor's across the street. Elder Toilalo and Elder Chambers.

Soooo many kinds friends feed us like kings. Elder Kahmann, Sister Grinceri, Brother Hannon, Brother Grinceri, Sister Hannon (the hostess and cook), Sister Harvey.

Some wonderful friends, Bishop and Sister Lekias. Sister Lekias is the Jose's daughter, our dear WSR trainers.

With our extra time, we thought we would do some scuba diving. What an adventure, never to be forgotten!!

Look at this gorgeous coral!

A special seadragon found only in Australia.

Oh my goodness! Our first encounter with a shark!

A sting ray

A giant turtle

Oh Dear!!!

Just Kidding! We don't have time to scuba dive! But we did go to this incredible aquarium, one of the 10 biggest tanks in the world. My main take away, besides amazement and appreciation for God's incredible creations, was: I never want to go in the ocean again! There was one whole room dedicated to the venomous creatures in the ocean.

The last Day of May

What a wonderful month this has been, and what a peaceful moment to breathe fresh air, watch the kangaroos and see a beautiful rainbow in the sky!

Oh, how blessed we are!!!

We know that God lives. We are His children. God loves us and will help us make right choices. Through Jesus Christ we can live with God again. He is in the detail of our lives.

A few more thoughts from Tony; "filling in":


We continue to speak in additional wards and branches. Each has its own character and culture. We learn so much from being with the Saints in this way. Our talks remain focused on principles of Self-reliance, with a particular emphasis on Emotional Resilience (our focus will likely change in August, as we start our second year's rotations in all the wards and branches). Members continue to approach us after sacrament meetings to ask questions, talk about personal issues or concerns, and inquire about how they can either enroll in an ER class or do it on their own with family or friends. Even in the “stronger” wards, not having enough faithful members to fill all callings is a common problem; as a result, ward leaders have difficulty calling strong members into self-reliance positions. Coupled with challenges in Ministering, it’s tough to “get water to the end of the row”. We are encouraged, though, as individuals and families adapt and complete the ER course in ways that best meet their needs and schedules.


Since we’ve been on our mission, I’ve grown in confidence in the prompting of the Holy Ghost, and in the regularity of receiving those promptings. A recent example occurred when I was meeting with Amit Tanna (for the last time, before he returned to India) and reviewing tools and resources in Gospel Library. Despite him having a master’s degree and a reasonably high proficiency in English, I felt prompted to review the Children's scripture stories with him; as we reviewed together, their value became apparent, as he could see the benefit of having pictures, a short, written summary of the story/event in simple English, and a link to the actual chapter and verses in the scriptures. With his lack of background and familiarity with Christianity, these children’s scripture stories will be excellent for him to learn the main events and personalities in the scriptures without having to read every page and word.


Here's his last text; his words reflect his humility, gratitude and conviction to follow Jesus Christ: "Now ready to fly. Only need your blessings!! Miss you both in India. Thank you very much for getting me introduce[d] to The God, Jesus Christ [a]n[d] makes me worth enough for His blessings. I will try my best to follow all the instructions which you all suggested me during our classes. I will try to be the obedient follower of Jesus Christ."

We hadn't planned to visit India (as we had no compelling reason), but we're feeling the desire to visit Amit and his family, if he/they do not return to Perth before we leave.


Our 8 Kindergarten Graduates (One in every family- How often will this happen?)

MAGGIE ROBINSON (Germany) (This picture in Venice!)

KALI WARDLE (Stockton, Utah)

CORT KAHMANN (Clearfield, Utah)

EMMA MITCHELL (Brigham City, Utah)

KATIE JOHNSON (Enterprise, Utah)



EZRA WILLIAMS (Rexburg, Idaho)

SAMUEL JOHNSON (Valedictorian of Enterprise High School)

Samuel Johnson receives his endowment in the Las Vegas temple

One more exciting piece of news. We are going to be great grandparents. Janill and Devin are expecting their first child in December!

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Meagan Mitchell
Meagan Mitchell
Jun 07, 2023

You almost had us with the scuba diving...but we knew you wouldn't go near any sharks. What a fun adventure! We loved seeing all of the pictures and reading about it! We love you!

Love, Meagan & the Kids

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