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Writer's pictureTonyJanet Kahmann

Review of Month #1 in the Mission Field (August-2022)

Review of August 2022:

We received an epic welcome from our lovely Mission President and his wife. They fed us the most delicious dinner of lamb, and let us tuck ourselves in bed for the most needed sleep after our 36 hour traveling experience from SLC.

We received wonderful training from Ricki, our welfare and stake reliance leader in Melbourne. He came all the way to Perth. (Sorry, no picture)

We received about a week of training from the Jose’s, who we are replacing. They took us shopping, got us to our new home, and have loved on us ever since.

We ate vegemite for the 1st time and quite enjoyed it!

We got settled into our new home in Duncraig, Western Australia where we will reside for the next couple years!

We attended 2 full day zone conferences with all the Perth missionaries.

We will be working with 4 stakes. We attended 2 stake conferences. After the stake conference in Rockingham we participated in the best picnic on the planet where whole pigs were served. More than 800 people attended. It was a Polynesian feast. We got to spend the night in a fun motel.

We had several meet and greet dinners with fellow saints who we will be working with.

Us, the Sinclears, the Easts, The Joses, Brother West

The Grinceri's, (in the front) the McDonald's, the Stone's, Elder Kahmann, and the Joses.

We had trainings with 2 of our stakes Welfare and self-Reliance Specialists. They each invited us to their homes, fed us like royalty and were so gracious.

Paul and Karen West

John and Glenda East

We spoke in four wards. 2 of them were via zoom, as they were 100 miles away.

We fed the tech elders dinner in our flat, after they had to tape my talk for the 3rd time. Ahh!

We attended a baptism in our ward.

We had 4 of the BEST P-days ever!:

Visiting the Indian Ocean (very close to our home)

Playing tennis

And spending the day with President and Sister Stone at the Caversham Wildlife park

We made our first homemade cookies in our little oven at 117 degrees.

We were blessed with an adorable, new grandchild #41 Ezekiel Luke Mitchell.

Hyrum, his Dad was sustained and set apart as the Bishop of the their ward just hours before he was born.

We got our internet working after much struggle and a miracle.

We both learned how to drive a car on the other side of the car and the road.

We prepared bedding bags for 12 incoming missionaries. We did weekly interviews for 4 departing sister missionaries.

We completed the 1st 6 chapters of the "Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience" course in our companion study. We loved it!

Sister Kahmann was able to attend a stake woman's conference that was fantastic. Sister Kahmann is also able to practice on the grand piano in the church which is 1/2 mile walk from our house anytime of the day or night when time permits.

We decided to love, share and invite on our walks in the park each day. We’ve met the nicest people. We gathered some pass along cards, wrote our names on them, got some Book of Mormons and pamphlets and have started carrying them in our backpack. We did 2 invites and both of them said yes. One was a lady ready to deliver her second child. We asked if we could bring her dinner. We talked to a couple around our age for about ½ hour. We invited them over for dinner. They said they would like to in a few weeks, after they get settled. We exchanged numbers and they have both texted us back. Hopefully things will progress with our relationships. We were super excited.

We got to talk to connect with all our children and grandchildren.

In one short month, we have seen heaps of miracles.

We feel so blessed! We love the country. We love the people. We love the food. We sleep so good at night. We love the air. We love the work. We each love our companion so much!

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